Saturday, October 30, 2010

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

So Pretty

Legs and pretty socks and shoes.

Cool looking, but probably uncomfortable chairs.

If stairs were this pretty, I'd climb them.

So much wood...

Vans stacked like bowling shoes.

Top 10 Weirdest Things About Dating Ky Lee...

Coming soon...

Monday, August 30, 2010

Top 5 Things That Make Me Happy These Days

1. Internet access at home and Google Chrome. So much easier to use than pieces of shit like Firefox and Safari... And you can go directly to others' Facebook pages from the general Facebook page...if you know what I mean....hmmmmm.
2. Kimchi. After 6 months of inconsistent supply of it, home food is good :)

3. CC and Dry. Yeeeee.

4. Cute kids. Just makes you pause and think about all the good things in the world.

5. Ky's ass. Aka. 'Best ass in town'.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Top 5 Things Ky Lee Should Do Less Of...

1. Listening to FT Island.

2. Losing scarves.

3. Saying 2 girls 1 cup is "funny".

4. Wearing Ug Boots.

5. Being cute ( a really weird way >.<)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A Poem About Paul Hong, As Requested By Paul Hong.

Paul: 'Omfg there's a droplet of water on my shoes~'
Shut the fuck up Paul. Go chain-anal rape 50 other dickless dudes.

What are those jeans Paul? Omg are they Dior?
Paul: 'Yeah they are~ They're size 28~ So tight it's making my penis sore~'

Um... Fuck you.
Just want to fill your wardrobe with poo.

With all that money, you'd expect him to pull up in a limo like Chuck Bass.
But no. He doesn't even have his learners. He buys a fucking weekly bus pass.

Always at uni somewhere, always maintaining a productivity of zero.
Probably the best qualities are his Tetris skills and his endless supply of dough.

He once came to my flat, and slept on my single bed.
...With me on it too. I should have fully asked for a head.

Fucking useless piece of shit motherfucker horseslut.
Jokes. You know how much I wanna rub your non-existent butt!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Top 5 Things That Resemble Dating Ky Lee

1. Michael Scott - Weird, sometimes dorky, yet lovable.

2. Marijuana - just full of laughter :)

3. Bejeweled - fucking intense and explosive(?)

4. Underwear - feels so empty without...

5. Dragon Ball Z - curious as to what will happens next.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Bejeweled Blitz

I cannot find the third green hexagon.
Makes me so angry I want to split your head open.

Time goes faster than watching Inception.
I should be good at this. I'm fucking Asian.

I got no coins, so I can't afford the Free Multiplier.
This is so painful. It's like Spankwire.

I want blazing speed, but I click hint.
Fuck Bejeweled. I'm awesome at Tetris Sprint.

My only hope is the daily spin.
It makes me excited as a dolphin.

Ooo someone's score is 653,200. Fuck you Jason Lim.
I hate you. Go harvest potatoes at a kibbutzim!

Note: a 'kibbutzim' is a communal farm or settlement in Israel.

Monday, July 12, 2010

I Feel So Inspired To Write Another Poem


I wake up and it's dark
I'm like what the fark

Where art thou morning sunshine
Oh no, the time is nine

In the fucking evening
Now I want to eat something

My flatmates wake up with me because they're michinnoms
I'm a michinnom too because I write these gay poems

Ah yes, nDeva fucked me like a whore
Just proves I can't differentiate anymore

Umm...hope Spain wins the World Cup!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Inspirational Poem By Peter Kim

I want to be successful.
So I don't become a tool.

Like the Maori who tried to steal my phone on the free bus.
Just want to drown that fucking homeless cunt in mucus.

Ari Gold doesn't tutor kids; he teaches life.
And the only thing he does at home is fuck his hot wife.

I tutor kids. It's so captivating and fun.
That's why I go on Facebook while my student analyses a pun.


Haven't blogged with this piece of shit for 4 months. I log in, upload photos of some hotness. And a page-full of java code html fucking language pops up. How am I supposed to order my images so that it's nice and climactic? The funny photo of Eunbee Yoon can't come first for fucks sake. Needs to come fourth.

Actually my fault. Woke up at 10pm. Who the fuck does that (apart from my flat mates). Now I have shit all to do. No Entourage on my Macbook to give me seizures. No food in the house. Raining like an aroused cunt outside. I feel like a Vietnamese prisoner of war.

Yesterday, one of my tutoring student's mom complained that I don't fill up time. 5 minutes. What would a 13 year old learn in 5 minutes. More outlandishly, who the fuck sends a 13 year old to tutoring at eight thirty in the morning on a Sunday? This must be Vietnam.

Anyway. The blog is back. And I am bored.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The European Man

The outfit above is from the 2010 A.P.C. spring/summer collection. The model wearing it is a pretty hot European male. It is within this second fact that the problem lies for me.

Point 1: his legs are probably 1.8 times longer than mine. Point 2: he's probably 1.8 times skinnier than myself. Point 3: his face is fucking tiny. Point 4: he's white and European so he doesn't look like a Vietnamese grandmother when he wears a red cardigan. Point 5: he can wear a bucket hat without a fishing rod or as part of the Takapuna Normal Intermediate School uniform.

Sub-conclusion: he looks pretty hot.

Implied-conclusion: an Asian wouldn't look as hot.

Conclusion: arggggggg

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Foods I Need With Immense Desperation

Salmon steak. Good for immune system and stamina and probably tonnes of other bodily shit.

Lemon sorbet. Hawwwwwww explanation needed.

Beef tadaki. Melts in the mouth like you know what. (Ice cube.)Jjam-bbong - good at any time any day :)

We Need This Bathroom In Our Flat...Bros...

WOODEN drainage omg

If only our wardrobes were this clean. Sigh.

Brush teeth two at a time :)

Secluded toilet for maximum feeling of privacy.

Wooden wall rape. It's so big as well. Could fit like 10 homeless people in here and charge 10 bucks each.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Cbf this list...not!

1. Cbf waiting for the free bus only to see it pass by because it's full

2. Cbf weekly Cecil tests

3. Cbf missing a dunk in NBA09

4. Cbf having a rice cooker but no rice

5. Cbf sharing only 2 keys with 4 guys

6. Cbf Munchy Mart's new policy of always giving out receipts

7. Cbf Sundays

8. Cbf Paul Hong's poker earnings

Sunday, February 14, 2010

It's Another List....Top 10 Things I Hate Waiting For!

1. Waiting for Study Link to process my Student Loan

2. Waiting for the homeless person to get off the free bus

3. Waiting for that bitch to turn around so I can see her face

4. Waiting for someone to get the fuck out of the toilet

5. Waiting for porn to load.......jokes people?

6. Waiting for a piece of clothing to go on sale

7. Waiting for someone to acknowledge my lame pun

8. Waiting for the noisy Arabs to shut the fuck up (only the noisy ones)

9. Waiting for the love of my life

10. Waiting for my exam results on Ndeva (no)

Friday, February 12, 2010


I was sitting peacefully looking at the blue sky
Then a pigeon appeared out of nowhere and said hi

A pigeon is a bird that no one wants or needs
Its eyes are like two watermelon seeds

I kick my foot to shoo away the bastard
Or should I poke him with my EFTPOS card

What lovely coloured feathers it has
Looks like they've been shat on by Triads

It has a really large belly its enormous be continued

Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Inextricable Piece of Shit That Is Dieting

Many have tried, and failed. I have tried, and failed. If so many people have failed, it must be a real nasty piece of shit. I failed ECON101, but that doesn't make it a piece of shit because only I did. FML. Niggas. Dieting is a real bitch, like pre-marriage Jessica Alba - a bitch I'd like to do, but can't.

I wish I could shit out all my fat for hours and hours, and I'll weigh 10 kgs less. Sigh.

Next is the problem of compromise or my inability to do so. Perhaps the fundamental necessity of life is meat (and a dose of fast food every once in a while). And I love eating. Dieting forces me to sacrifice something I love doing. Isn't that sad? If I loved to donate to charities and I couldn't, that would be sad. Same logic. But I love skinny jeans, too, so there's this balancing act between eating and bum sticking out in skinny jeans. SIGH

There really is no conclusion. Smoking's supposed to help with diet, but I find myself eating more as I smoke. Ditto for exercising, but I eat just as much as I gain = useless.

Someone sort my life out please....and you may get a mention in this to-be-world-famous blog.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Buy Me

A.P.C. green knit.
Commes Des Garcons grey polo. Doesn't it look so soft?

What The Fuck Aye


