Thursday, January 28, 2010

Not only have I made a blog, I'm also writing a story. Fuck me.

Some of you may be aware that I am writing a story. This is a fact.

Inspired by the preposterous rate of divorce in the world today, it is a tragic revenge saga - spliced with some of the irrational shit that comes out of my head.

Here's the first little bit of it. Check my blog in a couple of days for the full jizz:

The Unknown Marriage

A vibration distracted Aaron for just long enough to lose his concentration to complete the last level of Puzzle Bobble. He wasn't going to pick up, but now had little excuse not to.


I know you want to read on. That feeling of not being satisfied. She's unzipping your pants then suddenly realizes she's late for work. People: I won't leave you satisfied.


  1. so your going to give all of us a blowjob?

  2. no. don't be sexist. i have female followers too.

  3. so.. when are you gonna finish this angry revenge story?
