Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A Poem About Paul Hong, As Requested By Paul Hong.

Paul: 'Omfg there's a droplet of water on my shoes~'
Shut the fuck up Paul. Go chain-anal rape 50 other dickless dudes.

What are those jeans Paul? Omg are they Dior?
Paul: 'Yeah they are~ They're size 28~ So tight it's making my penis sore~'

Um... Fuck you.
Just want to fill your wardrobe with poo.

With all that money, you'd expect him to pull up in a limo like Chuck Bass.
But no. He doesn't even have his learners. He buys a fucking weekly bus pass.

Always at uni somewhere, always maintaining a productivity of zero.
Probably the best qualities are his Tetris skills and his endless supply of dough.

He once came to my flat, and slept on my single bed.
...With me on it too. I should have fully asked for a head.

Fucking useless piece of shit motherfucker horseslut.
Jokes. You know how much I wanna rub your non-existent butt!

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