Monday, February 1, 2010

New Year's Resolutions Check

After getting fucked for law, I decided to live life like a true warrior. Laziness was like an illegitimate child from a previous affair. It dragged me down like a bitch, and I had to beat it without committing domestic abuse (SIGH FUCKING LAME PUN).

A month later, it's time to reflect, ponder, and...sigh:

1. Save money --> I'm in debt
2. Exercise everyday --> beer belly
3. Go to every single lecture --> no...
4. Be less judgmental --> the new fuckers who run the Subway near uni are cunts
5. Quit smoking --> surprisingly the most successful of my resolutions, largely due to my financial situation

1 out of 5 isn't a bad start. It's just fucked up.

But I have hope because I have this blog.


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