Monday, July 12, 2010

I Feel So Inspired To Write Another Poem


I wake up and it's dark
I'm like what the fark

Where art thou morning sunshine
Oh no, the time is nine

In the fucking evening
Now I want to eat something

My flatmates wake up with me because they're michinnoms
I'm a michinnom too because I write these gay poems

Ah yes, nDeva fucked me like a whore
Just proves I can't differentiate anymore

Umm...hope Spain wins the World Cup!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Inspirational Poem By Peter Kim

I want to be successful.
So I don't become a tool.

Like the Maori who tried to steal my phone on the free bus.
Just want to drown that fucking homeless cunt in mucus.

Ari Gold doesn't tutor kids; he teaches life.
And the only thing he does at home is fuck his hot wife.

I tutor kids. It's so captivating and fun.
That's why I go on Facebook while my student analyses a pun.


Haven't blogged with this piece of shit for 4 months. I log in, upload photos of some hotness. And a page-full of java code html fucking language pops up. How am I supposed to order my images so that it's nice and climactic? The funny photo of Eunbee Yoon can't come first for fucks sake. Needs to come fourth.

Actually my fault. Woke up at 10pm. Who the fuck does that (apart from my flat mates). Now I have shit all to do. No Entourage on my Macbook to give me seizures. No food in the house. Raining like an aroused cunt outside. I feel like a Vietnamese prisoner of war.

Yesterday, one of my tutoring student's mom complained that I don't fill up time. 5 minutes. What would a 13 year old learn in 5 minutes. More outlandishly, who the fuck sends a 13 year old to tutoring at eight thirty in the morning on a Sunday? This must be Vietnam.

Anyway. The blog is back. And I am bored.